ABS-CBN News featured Alex Calleja and The Comedy Crew’s upcoming Filipino language stand-up show at the Dubai Comedy Festival. Titled “Alex Calleja and The Comedy Crew to hold Filipino language stand-up show in Dubai,” the article shares the news of their historic performance, set to be the first of its kind at the festival. Alex Calleja, known for his sharp wit and relatable humor, alongside his talented team, aims to bring a slice of home to the OFWs in the United Arab Emirates with their performances in Tagalog. This initiative not only showcases Filipino talent on an international stage but also addresses the homesickness many OFWs feel, providing them with a much-needed connection to their homeland through laughter and shared cultural experiences.
Scheduled for April 13, 2024, at the prestigious Dubai Opera, this event marks a significant milestone for Filipino comedy. Calleja and The Comedy crew, including Israel Buenaobra, Jeps Gallon, and Mak Navares, are set to make history, representing the Filipino comedy style in Dubai. Beyond the UAE, Calleja’s vision extends to global stages, hoping to open doors for Filipino comedians worldwide. The Comedy Crew, consisting of 18 comedians from various parts of the Philippines, showcases the diverse talent within the country. With the launch of their official website, The Comedy Crew aims to reach a wider audience, spreading Filipino humor across the globe.
For those interested in experiencing a unique blend of humor and cultural pride, booking your tickets to see Alex Calleja and The Comedy Crew perform in Dubai is highly recommended. Don’t miss this opportunity to support Filipino talent making waves internationally and to enjoy an evening filled with laughter and camaraderie.
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