Alex Calleja, together with his comedic partners Israel Buenaobra, Jeps Gallon, and Mak Navarez, collectively known as The Comedy Crew, are gearing up for a HISTORIC performance at the Dubai Comedy Festival on April 13, 2024. This significant event marks the FIRST TIME A FILIPINO COMEDY ACT, performing in Tagalog, will grace the stage of the renowned Dubai Opera. Their participation not only represents a milestone for Filipino talent on an international platform but also promises a taste of home for the Filipino diaspora residing in the UAE.
Throughout the week-long festival, audiences will be treated to an assortment of comedic acts from across the globe. Yet, it’s The Comedy Crew, with their distinctive humor that interlaces cultural nuances with universal comedy, who are expected to stand out. Their performances are eagerly anticipated to resonate deeply within the Filipino community and among international comedy lovers, offering a memorable blend of laughter and cultural pride.
Don’t miss the chance to witness this historic moment for Filipino comedy on the international stage! Secure your tickets now for an evening of unparalleled humor with The Comedy Crew at the Dubai Comedy Festival. Experience the joy, laughter, and warmth of the Philippines right in the heart of Dubai.
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